How to change the orientation of your CC3D flight controller

Normally your CC3D should be mounted with the arrow pointing towards the front of your quadcopter, and the USB towards the back. However, this makes it difficult to plug in the USB cable, so instead you can mount it with the arrow pointing a different direction by using the table below as a guide:

cc3d orientation guide

After you have mounted using a new orientation, launch the OpenPilot GCS software on your computer and connect your CC3D to your USB port. In the configuration tab, click on Attitude. Here you can adjust the values based on the table above, and then click save.

I have my arrow pointing left, so my USB port is easily accessible on the right, therefore the Yaw value is set to 90
I have my arrow pointing left, so my USB port is easily accessible on the right, therefore the Yaw value is set to 90

Important Note:

You must set this value again every time you update or reset the board, or run the calibration wizard (it resets everything)

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